Page Content

One of the most important and visible parts to a content strategy is the written content on a business’ website. This is where businesses either earn or lose the trust of prospective customers, and it’s where people will either decide to give an organization a chance or choose someone else.

Web pages are also a great place to improve search engine optimization because important keywords can be strategically placed to help the website rank for certain phrases. For all of these reasons, it’s very important that web pages have well-written and interesting content to please both customers and search engines.

With this service, our content marketers will incorporate researched keywords in order to maximize the effect of any SEO phrases used.

Client must choose one of the two page content options below:

  • Standard Page Content
  • Platinum Page Content

Standard Page Content

· 250-300 words based on your companies’ needs and keywords provided through optimization. The addition of keywords will add the proper density and maximize your exposure, creating a more positive ranking while making your site more enjoyable and descriptive for your potential clients.

Platinum Page Content

· 600-800 words based on your companies’ needs and keywords provided through optimization. The addition of keywords will add the proper density and will maximize your exposure, creating a more positive ranking while making your site more enjoyable and descriptive for your potential clients.


  • Content written for 1 web page